
Lost Socks in the Washing Machine - ASA Appliance Repair

Lost Socks in the Washing Machine

Losing socks in the washing machine is a common frustration, often caused by their smaller size than other laundry items. Smaller items can easily get trapped in crevices or corners during the wash cycle due to the agitation and water…

Cleaning refrigerator condenser coil - ASA Appliance Repair

Cleaning Condenser Coil

Refrigerator condenser coil cleaning is a crucial maintenance task that ensures the appliance operates efficiently, prolongs its lifespan, and saves on energy costs. Below, we delve into the detailed reasons why cleaning these coils is necessary: Optimizing Energy Efficiency Lower…

Heavy Foods on Refrigerator Door - ASA Appliance Repair

Avoid Heavy Items on the Door

The Impact of Heavy Foods on Refrigerator Doors Placing heavy food items on your refrigerator doors may seem convenient, but it can harm your appliance over time. Here’s why it’s essential to avoid this practice to preserve the integrity of…